Sunday, 3 July 2011

Safety Slogans (Industrial) A to .....

"A casual attitude towards safety = CASUALTY"
"Accidents hurt - Safety doesn't."
"A wound neglected is a wound infected"
"Accidents Big Or Small, Avoid Them All"
"Do the do's not the don'ts!"
"Do your work with pride, put safety in every stride."
"Don't be a fool, cause safety is cool, so make that your rule."
"Don't be a fool, use the proper tool."
"Don't be safety blinded, be safety minded."
"Don't learn safety by accident!"
"Don't lose your head to gain a minute!"
"Every accident - every - time if it's predictable it's preventable!" 
"Falling objects can be brutal if you don't protect your noodle."
"Forget the nurse with safety first."
"Generating safety... Is a mega-watt savings."
"Have another day."
"It's better to be Safety Conscious than Unsafe and Unconscious."
"If in doubt check it out - Safety First."
"Invest in tomorrow. Practice safety today."
"K.I.S.S. - Keep It Safe and Sound
"Keep a grip on life and protect your hands."
"Know safety - No injury, No safety - Know injury"
"Look sharp, don't get cut."
"Make your plant the best, safer than all the rest."
"Near miss? Don't ignore it, report it.
"Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a life time of pain."
"One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life."
"Practice Fire Safety. Watch what you heat."
"Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent."
"Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check."
"Protect your hands...Use your head."
"Risk - is worth it?"
"Safe Operators are Smooth Operators"
"Safe today - Alive tomorrow"
"Safety...Takes just a few seconds."
"Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary!"
"Safety first and last longer!"
"Safety is a mission not an intermission."
"Safety is a state of mind - Accidents are an abscence of mind."
"Safety is as simple as ABC - Always Be Careful"
"Safety is for life - just do it"
"Safety is free use it generously"
"Safety is great unless you're late."
"Safety is not automatic, think about it."
"Safety isn't expensive its priceless."
"Safety never hurts!"
"Safety practices...Do or die."
"Safety ventured, safety gained."
"Safety wins the checkered flag."
"Safety, it's for life."
"Safety, it's the real thing."
"Safety, like a good retirement plan, provides for a better tomorrow!"
"Safety's intention is accident prevention!"
"Safety's the key to accident free"
"Shortcuts cut life short"
"Stop accidents before they stop you!"
"The best safety device is a safe worker"
"The chance taker is the accident maker."
"The safest RISK is the one you didn't take."
"Think Safety, Because I Love You Man"
"To avoid a scene keep your work place clean."
"Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches."
"Use your eyes, don't lose them."
"Watch your step - it could be your last."
"When safety is a factor, call in a contractor."
"Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy."
"Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent."


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